Pool Resources from Multiple Partner Organizations to Print Customized Materials

Person taking a survey

Combining resources with other organizations who serve young children in the community to lower costs of printing customized “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” materials.


  • The Massachusetts Act Early state team invited organizations to participate in a pooled order for customized Milestone Moments booklets. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health ordered 10,000 English & 2,000 Spanish booklets to put one in every “Welcome Family” bag given out by home visiting programs in 2016. The print order also supported six other smaller state partners, including community health centers, early intervention, and family support centers.

Project Lead:

Elaine Gabovitch, Ph.D., Director of Family & Community Partnerships, University of Massachusetts Medical School, E.K. Shriver Center.


Page last reviewed: February 22, 2018
Page last updated: February 22, 2018