Integrate Materials into Statewide Screening Campaigns Targeting Parents through Early Childhood Programs.

Person taking a survey

Including “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” materials in statewide screening campaigns targeting parents through early childhood programs.


  • Rhode Island’s Act Early State Team partnered with the state’s Department of Education to distribute 220 customized “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” materials through its “Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge”, a campaign aimed at educating families on the importance of developmental monitoring and screening. Packets were distributed to pediatric practices, early childhood programs such as WIC (a supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and children), and home visiting and early intervention programs. Guidance on how to use the materials was provided to primary care providers.

Project lead:
Stacey Aguiar, MPH, CHES, Early Childhood Project and Quality Improvement Manager, Division of Community, Health and Equity, RI Department of Health

Page last reviewed: February 22, 2018
Page last updated: February 22, 2018