Integrate “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” into Statewide Child Health Quality Improvement Programs

Integrating “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” into statewide child health quality improvement programs through trainings and technical assistance to promote developmental monitoring in early care and education centers.
- “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” materials and messages were integrated into the Vermont Child Health Improvement Program (VCHIP) by Vermont’s Act Early State Team. To ensure these materials would be used, the team talked about the materials during new cohort trainings and provided on-going coaching on the materials. During the new cohort trainings, the team gave presentations, distributed the Milestone Moments booklet and customized brochures, and introduced the Watch Me! training. A one-page electronic flyer was also sent to providers ahead of the training.Following the initial training, healthcare providers learned how to use the Milestone Moments booklet regularly with parents and were directed to the Tips for Talking with Parents document to help start conversations with parents about developmental milestones. As a result, many providers began to include the Milestone Moments booklets in orientation packages and kept individualized booklets for each child at their center.
Evidence: From September 2014 to February 2017, Vermont’s Act Early State Team reached 489 early care and education providers by working with 139 home and center-based programs. Over 2,000 children have been reached.
Project lead:
Janet Kilburn, LCSW, Medical Social Worker, Vermont Department of Health, CYSHCN
Page last reviewed: February 22, 2018
Page last updated: February 22, 2018
Content source:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention