Mass Mail Materials to Parents

Boy peeking into a mailbox.

Mailing Milestone Moments booklets and growth charts, along with other information about children’s health, to households with young children.


  • The Alaska Department of Health created customized Milestone Moments booklets that were then printed and mailed, along with the growth chart and other health information, to all parents of children under two years of age in the state. Parents’ mailing addresses were obtained from birth certificates through a partnership with Alaska’s Part C program and Vital Statistics office.


  • Prior to initiating the mailing, focus groups were conducted with parents in Alaska, who said they preferred to receive health information by mail. About 22,000 households with children ages six months to two years throughout Alaska received the mailing the first year, and in the second year, about 10,500 households with infants (birth to one year old).

Page last reviewed: December 22, 2015
Page last updated: December 22, 2015