Mail Materials to Partners

Stack of packages and mail

Including materials in a mailing to key partner offices.


  • Materials were featured in an annual mailing to 5,000 WIC clinics through WIC Works, a training and resource center for WIC staff nationwide.
  • In Ohio, a mailing sent Autism Case Training curriculum CDs to 64 residency program directors in the following targeted specialties: Osteopathic Family Practice, Allopathic Family Practice, Pediatrics, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Child Neurology, Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics. Pediatric programs also received information about continuing education [e.g., Maintenance of Certification (MOC) for pediatricians].
  • Sample materials in English and Spanish were mailed in transparent envelope packets to 160 primary care provider offices in Tennessee, targeting all primary care providers and office staff. Ambassador contact information, information on how to obtain additional materials and access to ACT curriculum for continuing medical and nursing education credit was also included.

Project leads:
Ohio – Shanna Kralovic, DO, University Hospitals Case Medical Center/Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital
Tennessee – Toni M. Whitaker, MD, Boling Center for Developmental Disabilities, University of Tennessee Health Science Center
WIC Works mailing – CDC’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” team

Page last reviewed: December 22, 2015
Page last updated: December 22, 2015