Integrate Autism Case Training Curriculum into Residency or Fellowship Programs

Integrating the Autism Case Training (ACT) curriculum into pediatric, psychiatric, and neurology residency training and fellowship programs.
- Act Early Ambassadors who were affiliated with or worked with universities integrated the ACT curriculum into pediatric residency training programs, psychiatric fellowship programs, and neurology fellowship programs. Programs commonly provided one module per session, typically in a grand rounds format, with four sessions scheduled over time. Ambassadors leveraged existing relationships with key staff members at hospitals to introduce and integrate the curriculum.
Project leads:
Shanna Kralovic, DO, University Hospitals Case Medical Center/Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital
Toni M. Whitaker, MD, Boling Center for Developmental Disabilities, University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Elaine M. Gabovitch, MPA, Instructor, Family Medicine and Community Health, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Page last reviewed: June 17, 2016
Page last updated: June 17, 2016
Content source:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention