Groups with projects that are near completion or completed may submit work to be considered for the Promising Practices collection. We seek clear descriptions of each activity that is submitted. Use the criteria outlined below to describe how that activity meets the requirements we’ve established for the collection. Please send your written submission to


Criteria for Promising Practices

Goal Alignment: Do the goals and objectives of your activity align with the goals and objectives of Learn the Signs. Act Early.?

Sound Practice: Describe how your activity was based on established health education, communication, and/or public health practice(s). Was your activity appropriate, given the activity’s setting and your target audience?

Audience Reach: Did your activity target a specific audience? Did the materials you used suit your audience? Did your activity use the appropriate channels to reach your target audience? Were you successful in reaching your target audience? Did you reach a reasonable quantity? How do you know you reached the target audience?

Partnerships: If you collaborated with other implementation partners, did those partners embrace your activity? Did your partnership goals align with the partnership goals of Learn the Signs. Act Early.?

Goal Achievement: Did you achieve your goals? If your plans or goals changed, why did they change and were you able to reach your new goals?

Sustainability: Can your activity be implemented and sustained at little-to-no additional cost? Or can your or another organization easily absorb the costs of continuing the activity?

Translation: Can the activity be replicated and/or generalized to other places?