
The Hidden Dangers of Getting Inked

The practice of tattooing has been around for thousands of years.  These days, 21% of adults in the United States report having at least one piece of permanent artwork on their bodies.   Many people who receive these lasting tributes – to loved ones, to pop culture, to religion, or to whatever they’re into – Read More >

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West Nile Virus: Recent Surge in Cases Sparks Concern in Texas

up close picture of a mosquito biting a human

West Nile virus season is off to an early start this year, which doesn’t bode well for what’s to come. Most West Nile virus exposures in the United States occur from July through October, with a peak during the first two weeks of August. Peak season in Texas is under way, and there are already 336 cases Read More >

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Getting Prepared, the College Years

College students sitting on steps

  By Kathleen LaPorte Twelve years of school, countless numbers of standardized test, a tassel, a diploma, and a college acceptance letter and you are fully prepared for college, or are you?  We’ve put together a few helpful tips on how to get ready for college. Read More >

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India in the Dark: A Call For Preparedness

 By Regina Quadir Power outages and traffic jams are not unusual for India. But never before has half the country lost power all at once.  Yesterday’s blackout in India was the worst electrical blackout in history, leaving 670 million people without power for about 15 hours. Read More >

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Startling Facts You Should Know About Disaster Preparedness

emergency kit and checklist

By Regina Quadir A recent national poll by Adelphi University Center for Health Innovation  surveyed 1,000 Americans about their personal preparedness behaviors and the results show that we’re not ready: Read More >

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Disaster Recovery – An Emotional Response

woman and man looking out over flooded houses and road

The effects of a disaster are not always physical. Houses and roads can be rebuilt and physical wounds will heal, but the emotional scars from a disaster can often be harder to fix. In 2008 Cedar Rapids, Iowa experienced extreme flooding that wiped out businesses and homes, disrupting daily life and displacing residents. While other Read More >

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