New York City Tracking Program Helps Create Smarter Asthma Programs

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New York City Tracking Program Helps Create Smarter Asthma Programs
New York City Tracking Program Helps Create Smarter Asthma Programs

Asthma rates in New York City are significantly higher than the rest of the country, especially among children

Pedro has always been an outgoing student and athlete. As a fifth-grader in East Harlem, his schedule is non-stop with homework, housework, and soccer practice. “I am always running around, either from place to place or chasing a soccer ball,” he says. Complicating this active lifestyle is a problem that Pedro shares with an increasing number of children in New York City: asthma. New York City sees higher rates of people hospitalized for asthma than any other place in the country, and its rates of childhood asthma are even higher. Possible reasons include infections among children returning to school, seasonal pollen, and urban air pollution.

New York City Tracking Program uses data to inform local healthcare providers

The New York City Tracking Program staff used data from their tracking network to learn that more children are hospitalized for asthma related symptoms in the fall than any other time of the year. The tracking program found that one way to help address this spike was to remind asthma patients and care providers about updating their asthma management plans before the school year started in the fall. Through New York City’s Health Alert Network, the tracking program reached asthma care providers like the East Harlem Asthma Center for Excellence (EHACE) and informed them about recommended updates to asthma care for children.

Informed with tracking data, New York City asthma programs work to lower asthma hospitalizations

“I’m so thankful because I’ve learned a lot about asthma,” Pedro said. He’s not the only one. After a few years of tracking program alerts, hospital rates for children with asthma have gone down significantly, and tracking program advisories have become standard practice in New York City. At EHACE, Pedro and his mom find resources for helping them manage his asthma. With personalized asthma equipment and training, his chances of suffering from an asthma attack bad enough for a hospital visit are greatly reduced.

New York City Tracking Network:


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Page last updated: July 9, 2015