Category: Acute/Long-term Care Settings
Exploring the Microbiome as a Way to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance

The gut microbiome matters for patients taking antibiotics Fecal transplants began as early as the first or second century as part of Chinese medicine. I used to joke about poop (fecal) transplants; I never thought I would dedicate my professional career to this topic. My father was an agricultural engineer who managed a wastewater treatment Read More >
Posted on byEight Ways Health Department Leaders Can Support Effective HAI/AR Programs to Advance Prevention Efforts in their Community

State and territorial health agency (S/THA) Healthcare-Associated Infection and Antimicrobial Resistance (HAI/AR) programs play a critical role in spearheading prevention, detection, and outbreak response in their communities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, HAI/AR programs led and supported healthcare infection prevention and control activities to help keep the public safe. Several significant federal investments have been made Read More >
Posted on by 2 CommentsGerms Lead the Way: Exploring Microbial Ecology to Elevate the Fight Against Antimicrobial-resistant Healthcare-associated Infections

Three to four billion years ago, microbes (germs) were the first life on earth. They have thrived for millions of years longer than humans have existed. Much like humans, microbes have complex social and physical communities and are always evolving. These microbial communities are home to helpful germs and pathogens (harmful germs). Better understanding the Read More >
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