Public Health Matters Blog Posts

CDC’s CHEMPACK Program—The Stockpile that may protect you from a chemical attack

It’s a terrifying but plausible scenario. You’re in an enclosed crowded place—perhaps a subway or a mall—and a terrorist organization releases lethal quantities of a nerve agent such as sarin into the air. The gas sends your nervous system into overdrive. You begin having convulsions. EMTs rush to the scene while you go into respiratory Read More >

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On the Track: How Games Can Help Make Us Disaster Ready

Train Tracks

By Jenny Gottstein Last August, I embarked on a cross-country train trip to explore  how games might be used for disaster preparedness. In each city I met with first responders, Red Cross chapters, disaster management agencies, and community leaders. The goal was to identify ways to increase resilience through interactive games. The trip was fascinating, and Read More >

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11 Winter Weather Tips : As Told by Adorable Dogs

Don’t be stuck in the dog house by not preparing for winter weather. Whether it is avoiding frostbite or heating your home safely, make sure you know how to prepare for and handle winter weather. Read More >

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Mapping for Ebola: A Collaborative Effort

Map of Africa

One of the difficulties faced by teams responding to the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa is identifying individuals and communities residing in remote areas. Existing maps of these regions either do not exist or are inadequate or outdated. This means that basic data like location of houses, buildings, villages, and roads are not easily Read More >

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CDC Ebola Training in Anniston

Boots drying on sticks

  Making the decision to volunteer in an Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU) in West Africa shows a lot of courage and takes support from friends, loved ones, and other healthcare workers. It also requires the knowledge and skills to safely treat very sick patients in a challenging environment. CDC understands that healthcare workers preparing to Read More >

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A New Year to Prepare

It is that time of year again, a time to reflect on another year gone by and prepare for the new year to come. It is time to dust off last year’s resolutions and come up with a new list of things to accomplish in 2015. While researching the latest diet trend and signing up Read More >

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