“Thank you Mom…for being so prepared!”
Posted on byIt’s Mother’s Day…which got me thinking about my mom. Growing up her purse was like a small version of Mary Poppins’ carpet bag. Everything was in there. If you fell, she had a first aid kit. If you had a stray thread that needed to be cut, she had scissors. All the answers to the small needs and everyday emergencies were tucked away in her purse. I loved this about my mom!
When I became a mom, I tried to do the same. I don’t think I’m quite there yet, but I have established a reputation among friends that I am most likely to have “it” in my purse. I consider this a compliment.
We can think of an emergency kit like a mom’s purse! Here are some basics to consider as you build your family emergency supplies kit. But you should also think about the special needs of your family, including the medical and dietary needs of small children, elderly parents, and pets.
- Water – one gallon per person, per day.
- Nonperishable food – foods like energy bars are a good choice.
- Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio – and extra batteries
- Flashlight with extra batteries
- First aid kit
- Medications
- Personal hygiene items
- Important documents – like medical records; banking information; wills
- Cell phone with chargers (or solar charger)
- Family communication plan with emergency contact information
- Extra cash
- Emergency blanket
- Maps of the area
So, that’s the BIG list. What if you need to leave quickly? Put together a go bag; it could take the form of an actual purse! It should be easy to carry and find. Include some of the items that are in your home kit, like batteries, radio, flashlight, blankets, emergency documents, personal hygiene items, a first aid kit, a change of clothing, nonperishable snacks, and some water. Mom would be proud!
I’ll always think of my mom when I’m working on my emergency supplies. Thanks Mom!
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