10 Ways to be Prepared

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Mom, dad, and child with blueprints for house.

To mark the National Day of Action, there are hundreds of little steps you can take to be better prepared at home, in your community, and on the go. Here are a few quick action steps you can take today!

  1. 10 Ways to be PreparedSign up for local alerts and warnings. There are different types of alerts and warnings that you can receive about weather conditions and other emergency situations. Check with your local health department or emergency management agency to see how they share emergency information, whether it is through emergency texts, phone calls, digital road signs, social media, or sirens. You can even download an emergency app from FEMA, The Red Cross, or the Weather Channel.
  2. Create and test communication plans. Have a discussion with your family before a disaster strikes and make a plan for how you will connect to each other.
    • Complete a contact card for every member of your family. Make sure to keep these cards with you at all times
    • Choose an emergency contact. Keep in mind that it might be easier to reach a friend or relative who lives out of town.
    • Identify a meeting place in your neighborhood and your city or town where your family could gather if there is an emergency. Batteries, radio, candles, and flashlight
  3. Build an emergency supply kit. Make sure you have at least a three day supply of food and water for each person in your family. Also include health supplies, personal care items, safety supplies, electronics, and copies of important documents.
  4. Safeguard documents. Identify financial and legal documents, medical information, household identification, and key contact information you might need after a disaster. Use this helpful checklist to take an inventory and not forget to safeguard any critical documents.
  5. Document and insure property. Different types of insurance cover different types of damage after a disaster. Make sure you understand your insurance policies and minimize potential losses.
  6. Make your property safer. Make property improvements to reduce damage to your property during a disaster and prevent potential injuries from different types of emergencies.
  7. Conduct a drill. Practice emergency response actions for disasters that might happen in your community.
  8. Conduct an exercise of a disaster scenario. Use mock scenarios for different types of disasters to review and improve your emergency plan. You might consider participating in a community-wide tabletop exercise for different emergency situations. In your home, you can practice a fire drill, tornado drill, or earthquake drill.
  9. Plan with neighbors. Many people rely on their neighbors after a disaster. Make sure you start the conversation about preparedness before a disaster strikes. Know the needs of your neighbors and be ready to help in an emergency.
  10. Participate in a class, training or discussion. Contact your local emergency management agency to see what trainings are available in your community, or consider enrolling in a first aid or CPR course at your local Red Cross.

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Page last reviewed: April 26, 2016
Page last updated: April 26, 2016