
Businesses Ready and Willing to Help Communities During Emergencies

People in line

During the January 2014 winter storm that crippled the Atlanta metro area and left thousands stranded on the city’s highways, businesses stepped up to the plate to assist those with nowhere to turn. Home Depot opened 26 stores in Georgia and Alabama to shelter stranded travelers, and other local stores like Walgreens, Wal-Mart, and Target Read More >

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After the Storm: Pets and Preparedness

Kathleen Fessman did not anticipate the degree of damage that Hurricane Sandy would cause her Rockaway, New York home. She stayed in her house during the storm watching as her basement flooded, knocking over the gas tanks she had stored there. For nearly a week after the storm, Kathleen remained in her damaged home, not knowing Read More >

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Pet Preparedness

Countless disasters have shown that pet owners can quickly become a vulnerable population in the face of a natural disaster or emergency. Should you stay at home with your pet? Should you take your pet with you? Where can you go with your pet? Should you leave your pet behind? It is extremely important for the safety of Read More >

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A Prepared Caregiver

Photo of older hands holding younger hands.

Back in 2007, Annie and her siblings began seeing early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease in their mother. Annie’s mother, Margaret was 79 years old and had begun to become confused and get lost while driving. Annie no longer felt she should be left alone to take care of herself. She decided it would be best Read More >

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Preparing an Older Generation

Older person in a walker.

The generation that brought us the Internet, the civil rights movement, tie-dye and classic rock, is turning 65. It is estimated that nearly 7,000 baby boomers turn 65 every day, and by the year 2030 most of the baby boomers will be entering their elderly years. As the largest generation prepares for retirement and senior Read More >

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Serving Alaskans with Disability: An Integrated Approach

By: Amanda Cooper, Alaska Health and Disability Program Manager With 663,000 square miles of land, rural location, and risk for at least seven types of natural disasters, Alaska’s emergency preparedness efforts are vital to the health and well-being of its residents. The majority of Alaska is inaccessible by road; therefore, emergency response efforts rely mostly Read More >

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